Mound Bar Cookies (Bars)

2 C. crushed graham crackers
1/4 C. sugar
1/2 C. melted butter

Mix and pat into a 9×9 pan. Bake 10 min. in 350 degree oven

1 C. Sweetened Condensed Milk (Borden’s)
7 oz. coconut

Mix together milk and coconut. Spread over graham crust and bake 12-15 min.

Sprinkle 1 1/2 C. chocolate chips over the top right after it comes out of the oven. Spread once chocolate chips melt. Allow to cool before cutting into bars

Recipe from the kitchen of Ella Meyer

Scandinavian Almond Cake

1 1/4 C. sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 t. almond extract
2/3 C. milk
1 1/4 C. flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1 stick melted butter

Beat sugar, egg, extract and milk. Add flour and baking powder and then the butter. Beat the mixture well.

Spray the almond cake pan with Pam or butter and flour it. Pour batter in the pan and bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. If you’re having trouble getting the cake out of the pan, use a knife to loosen it. You can dust it with confectioner’s sugar before serving.


1 pint heavy whipping cream

1 C. sugar

2 1/4 C. flour

1 C. milk


Whip cream until stiff, add sugar, flour and vanilla.  Then add milk and stir until smooth.  Use 1 t. batter for each.  Makes 5 3/4-6 dozen.

Put batter bowl in a bowl with ice under it to keep it thicker while using.  Use a fork to get the Krumkake off the iron and off the shaping cone.

Recipe from Mavis and John Kjos



4 C. potatoes, cooked and riced
2 T. butter
1 t. salt
a smitch of sugar
1 1/2 C. flour to start and then add more until dough isn’t too sticky
Knead dough and then take 1/3 C. of dough and form into a balls. Let set about 5 minutes.

Flour rolling pin and pastry cloth very well and roll thin.

Put cooked lefse in a pile and cover with a towel to keep from drying out.

Grill should be at 450-500 degrees.

It’s best to make the potatoes the night before and leave on the counter with a towel over the top. You want the potatoes to lose some moisture. You can refrigerate and bring to room temperature as an alternate method.

I’ve been told to use older potatoes for better results.

5 lbs. of potatoes makes 2 1/2 batches or about 32 rounds of lefse.

Barbecued Chicken (1959)

3 – 3 1/2 lb. ready to cook roaster, cut up
1/2 C. flour
2 t. salt
1/2 C. fat or salad oil
1 sliced medium onion
1/2 C. chopped celery
1/4 C. minced green peppers
1 C. catsup
1 C. water
2 T. Worcestershire
2 T. brown sugar
1/8 t. pepper
1 pkg. frozen corn, (thawed just enough to separate.)

Early in the day, dip chicken pieces into flour mixed with salt. Fry in hot fat until golden brown; remove chicken to 3 quart casserole. If necessary, pour all but 2 T. fat from skillet. Add onion to fat; saute until golden and tender. Add celery and next 6 ingredients; pour over chicken. Chill. About 2 hours before serving, heat oven, 350 degrees, bake chicken, covered, 80 minutes, then add corn, bake, covered 25 minutes longer or until tender.

*I used chicken legs for this recipe and it worked fine. I reduced the oil and did not refrigerate for the day like they suggested. I also added a little salt since I felt like there was a lot of the flour/.salt that wasn’t used. I also increased the brown sugar to 3-4 T. since my kids like a sweet barbecue sauce. Mine turned out great too so I think the recipe can be easily be adjusted to meet your taste.

Recipe published by: Your Neighbor Lady (Bulletin No. 22 Fall Casseroles) WNAX-570
From the recipe collection given to me by Edna Schmidt